Mar 2, 2025 | Add to Calendar
Coal Canyon (From Raton NM, head west on NM-555 W/York Canyon Rd for 5.4 miles)
The match format is 10 stages spread over a 1 mile distance and involves a minimum of 2 miles walking while carrying all gear. Each stage has 6 targets at varying distances to be engaged with only one shot each. Target distances are known to the shooter. Shooters must complete each stage’s target engagements within 4 minutes. With one point per hit, the maximum score is 60 points. See rules for additional details. Most stages accommodate prone position shooting, however, some may require elevated shooting positions, shooting sticks, etc.
We setup the match starting at 1:00 PM on Saturday (unless posted otherwise) and can always use the help of a few people if you want to come out and help. Our practice range is open after setup to registered competitors from 3:00-5:00 PM and again from 7:00-7:30 AM Sunday. Note that the start time of the Saturday practice session is approximate and may be delayed if additional time is required to complete match setup.
Typical equipment used includes: a rifle capable of 1 MOA accuracy; rifle optics allowing precise hold-over and windage for small targets from 200 – 900 yards; shooting sticks and/or tripod; binoculars to spot for other shooters; and a backpack to carry clothing, shooting accessories, water, ammunition, and food.
Preregistration for the match is required on Practiscore*. All registered competitors must also sign in at the match. Early sign in is available from 4:00 – 5:00 PM Saturday. Regular sign in is available from 6:45 – 7:15 AM on Sunday. Competitors that fail to sign in by 7:15 AM Sunday are subject to forfeiture of their requested squadding and/or spot in the match.
At 7:45 AM the gate is locked and the mandatory shooter’s meeting starts. The match begins at 8:00 AM and is usually finished by around 3:00 PM.
David McInnis - 505-250-0965 - nmmi9100@gmail-com
Every guest must read and sigh the online Waiver before they are allowed into the center.
Call 800-494-4853 to reserve your lodging. Learn more about our accommodations that range from primitive camping spots to fully furnished luxury suites.
Avoid The Line! Speed up your check-in!
Before arriving, every guest must read and sign the online NRA Whittington Center Waiver.
When it comes to the excitement of big-game hunting, you get it here at the NRA Whittington Center. Hunt success rates are nearly 100 percent!
Come stay with us! The general public is welcome to stay at the Whittington Center. There is a broad range of housing to accommodate individuals, couples, and small to large groups.
Shooters can take part in competitive shooting, rifle and pistol silhouette, bullseye disciplines, and even black powder muzzle-loading rifles.
Give us a call at 800-494-4853 or send an email to [email protected]
Located near beautiful Raton, New Mexico, the NRA Whittington Center is home to the nation’s premier hunting, shooting, and outdoor recreation facility. The NRA Whittington Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and relies on the generous contributions of donors who want to preserve our heritage of freedom for the next generation of shooters and hunters.
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