Jun 28 - 30, 2024 | Add to Calendar
Hunter Pistol Silhouette Range
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Set-up/Practice: June 28th
Match dates: June 29th and 30th 2024.
LOCATION: Hunter Pistol Silhouette Range
Whittington Center, Raton, NM
RULES: NRA Smallbore Lever Action Rules will apply.
COURSE OF FIRE: One 60 round match (15 shots at each of 4 targets), each day.
IMPORTANT: Target setters will NOT be available. Shooters will be responsible for resetting their own targets. If you are not able to reset your own targets, please ask people around you to reset for you, or ask the match director before the match to make arrangements to do it for you.
TIME: Match starts at 9:00 AM. Practice from 7:00 to 8:30.
ENTRY FEE: $100.00
Advance entry is encouraged, especially if you want to be squadded with someone.
CLASSIFICATION: You can use your SB Lever Action Classification or SB rifle silhouette classification. If you do not have a classification, you will be entered as unclassified, and will be placed in a class at the end of the match depending on your score.
SCORING: Competitors will keep score for the relay before or after.
JURY: A jury of three persons will be selected before the match starts and will act as the final authority on protests concerning procedures, equipment, and other controversies.
EQUIPMENT: Unaltered factory sporting/hunting SB rifles with open sights (installed at the factory).
NOT ALLOWED: Target rifles, bull barrels, peep/tang sights, replaced barrels, stocks or triggers. If clips or magazines extend below the bottom of the stock, they are not to be used as support for the forward hand. Forward hand must be in front of the pistol grip
(Trigger guard may be used to support the forward hand). Large lever action loops are not to be used as support of forward hand.
If you have questions about your rifle, contact Tony Tello BEFORE the match so there are no problems when you arrive.
AMMUNITION: .22 Rimfire Standard or High Velocity only. No Hyper Velocity ammo allowed.
TIES: To be decided by shoot offs or reverse animal count. Organizers will choose.
SAFETY: All safety rules will be strictly enforced. Failure to comply with safety rules will be basis for disqualification with no return of entry fees. An empty chamber indicator is mandatory. If you do not have one, they will be available for a fee at the match.
COACHING: A shooter may have one person on the firing line to spot shots and coach. The coach may use a spotting scope or binoculars. Another person may be behind the shooter and spotter to record shots. If you are not coaching or keeping score, you must remain behind the firing line.
SMOKING: Smoking is NOT permitted on Whittington Center property unless you are in a vehicle or your camper because of the fire danger.
FOOD: Lunch will be provided on Sunday, June 30, after the match.
We expect a large number of shooters for this match. Send your entries early. Come and have fun with us!
Tony Tello - [email protected]
Every guest must read and sigh the online Waiver before they are allowed into the center.
Call 800-494-4853 to reserve your lodging. Learn more about our accommodations that range from primitive camping spots to fully furnished luxury suites.
Avoid The Line! Speed up your check-in!
Before arriving, every guest must read and sign the online NRA Whittington Center Waiver.
When it comes to the excitement of big-game hunting, you get it here at the NRA Whittington Center. Hunt success rates are nearly 100 percent!
Come stay with us! The general public is welcome to stay at the Whittington Center. There is a broad range of housing to accommodate individuals, couples, and small to large groups.
Shooters can take part in competitive shooting, rifle and pistol silhouette, bullseye disciplines, and even black powder muzzle-loading rifles.
Give us a call at 800-494-4853 or send an email to [email protected]
Located near beautiful Raton, New Mexico, the NRA Whittington Center is home to the nation’s premier hunting, shooting, and outdoor recreation facility. The NRA Whittington Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and relies on the generous contributions of donors who want to preserve our heritage of freedom for the next generation of shooters and hunters.
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